Saturday, July 16, 2011

Writing Day: #2!

Hi not so existent readers!
Today is my second writing day and I am going to share with you the Introduction of my Camp Nanowrimo July 2011!
The introduction is the worst part of the novel (in my opinion) but I will be sharing with you next Saturday more of the unfinished and unedited novel!
It's called Peace No More
Ok. here you go!
(remember, this is unedited!!!)


     It had been nearly three centuries since the last war had occurred in Inguana. Many believed wars would never happen again, and that there would always be peace.

     Malaya, a thirteen year old girl, had many ancestors from a historical place called Europe. Her family was of Jewish ancestry and many were killed in the Holocaust.

     Inguana’s dictator, Sir Ettin, required all schools to read and research the Holocaust. Many adults believed that a Holocaust was going to happen again. Sir Ettin executed all of those people. Malaya’s father was one of them.

     Sir Ettin ruled over two million people. The most popular religion in these days was Christianity, but nearly a quarter of the population was Jewish. These were the only two religions allowed, although Jews were not liked. The Jews had to go to a different school than the Christians. They were only to be taught by Jewish teachers. They were only allowed in “Jews Only” places. They had a separate park, a separate city to live in, separate everything. Nearly 250,000 Jews had to fit in a city all to themselves. Many families had to live together in the same house. Malaya was lucky and only had to live with her mother.

     Christians and Jews were not allowed to communicate with each other. If they did, the Jews were executed. The Christians stayed alive.

     For the people that did not believe the Holocaust was going to happen again, they would be in for the biggest shock of their lives.

Let me know what you think by clicking a button/commenting! Thanks guys! Talk to you again, Tuesday! Monday's a new contest, please enter into it! also, we aren't sure if we have a guest blogger for tomorrow, but I'll guess you'll have to figure it out by checking back tomorrow!
<3 Shelby

1 comment:

SomeoneLikeYou said...

Hello there!

I wanted to thank you ever so much for the beyond sweet comment you left on my blog! It was so nice and put the biggest smile on my face! You have a lovely blog going on here, and always keep on writing! :D