Hey everyone! So,today,since I really don't have time to post(like I said Monday,this is scheduled) I am just gonna post some of my favorite books! Here are a few-
Wondrous Strange-Lesley Livingston
Twilight-Stephenie Meyers
Cindy Ella-Robin Palmer
The Uglies Series-Scott Westerfield
Darkwood-M.E. Breen
I went ahead and edited this,because I have a question.I am going to the library today(Friday) and I was wondering if there were any books you guys think I need to keep an eye out for? Thanks!
These are just a few,but I don't want to tell all in just one post! Gotta leave some for next week...and the next week..and the next-ok,I think you get it.:)
get divergent and we can read it at the same time!
Go get Elixir by Hilary Duff. Or the book Gone by Michael Grant. Both are really good.
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