Friday, August 5, 2011

Books for Friday

Hey everyone! So,today,since I really don't have time to post(like I said Monday,this is scheduled) I am just gonna post some of my favorite books! Here are a few-

Wondrous Strange-Lesley Livingston
Twilight-Stephenie Meyers
Cindy Ella-Robin Palmer
The Uglies Series-Scott Westerfield
Darkwood-M.E. Breen

I went ahead and edited this,because I have a question.I am going to the library today(Friday) and I was wondering if there were any books you guys think I need to keep an eye out for? Thanks!

These are just a few,but I don't want to tell all in just one post! Gotta leave some for next week...and the next week..and the next-ok,I think you get it.:)


Shelby said...

get divergent and we can read it at the same time!

Stacy N. said...

Go get Elixir by Hilary Duff. Or the book Gone by Michael Grant. Both are really good.