Friday, August 19, 2011


Hey everyone! It's Bree.Sorry for not posting.I did a post overload on my blog Wednesday,and Thursday(August 18) I started the 7th grade.And it's different from 6th..Like diff subjects,diff teachers,diff time(i used to go to gym 4th hour.Not I go to geography 4th hour and gym last hour.).Here is kind of a little schedule-

1st-Math Teacher #1
2nd-Reading Teacher #2
3rd-Language Teacher #2
4th-Geography Teacher #3
5th-Science Teacher #4
6th-Computer Lab Teacher #2
7th-Gym Teacher #1

  Then the bell rings(at 3:00),but we only have one bus,so I don't get home until 4:00.I barely have time to post,what with my competition with AR(Don't even ask..but AR is Accelerated Reading that 4th and up do at my school).But,good news is,my language teacher(which is also my Reading and Computer Lab teacher) is making us write! Yay! So I will be sharing some of mine with you. Meanwhile,I may have a hard time posting during the week. Sorry! Anyway, I have no idea what to write. So here is a sneak peak at something I may write! :) Tell me what you think!

  I walked on,stumbling over branches and wishing the sun would come out already. I couldn't see,and if someone was following me they could easily follow all the noise I was making.I was wishing I could move silent and stealthily,like my sister did. When she was still the same.
  I looked up,realizing I had been so lost in thought that I had stopped.The sky in the east was turning it's pink and orange color,as it does when the sun climbs majestically in the sky.I smiled.Now I could move silently.I surveyed my surroundings,hoping to see something familiar.Nothing.I kept heading in the direction I was originally,or at least I hoped it was.I was beginning to feel like I was walking in circles,when I heard the zip of an arrow being released from a bow.My first thought I was close to a range,that I was behind the targets.Then I realized I was the target.

his is just an unedited version taken(if I write it) from the middle of the story.Please do not take anything,it would tear me apart if I knew someone had taken it.Thanks!


A Fun Day

Sorry I didn't get to post a movie review yesterday and sorry Bree didn't post writing on Wednesday and sorry she didn't post today either. I don't  know if she is or not so I will, I guess.

Except I'm not sure what to write about.
That stinks.
Yesterday I didn't post because I spent all day at an amazing amusement park riding all of the roller coasters and upside rides and spinny rides and scary underground rides (okay there's only one of those and it fits in the roller coaster category) and everything else in between. Except 2, because they made me sick last time because I have motion sickness. I can ride spinny upside down roller coasters over and over but I can't sit in a car drive around in circles. It makes perfect sense right? NO!

I guess this is technically my post for the weekend because I haven't written anything new recently, I'm really off my game. And I have to go out and buy school supplies soon which isn't fun. And I might randomly disappear and go off on a sudden vacation because that's what my family does. We don't plan ahead or anything. Sometimes that makes it exciting and everything.

Ok I'm really just rambling on varying topics so I'm gonna go. Hope you enjoyed my randomness. ;P
XOXO Shelby

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Book Review: The Fashion Disaster That Changed My Life

This book was very silly. It was just about a girl that on her first day had a pair of panties clinging to the inside of her jeans on the first day of school so she was teased and everything and the popular group invited her and she ditched her 2 friends, even though one of them was a jerk. and she spilled their secrets which isn't good ever. Eventually, she figured out the popular group were just mean so she finally got out of that loop and went back to her one nice friend.

Anyway, one fashion disaster isn't going to ruin anyones life like she says, but it wasn't a horrible book. I honestly wouldn't recommend it though.

be sure to check out book club! The first book is Dairy Queen. Go to the book club page at the top of Come All Come Write and you can get more information there. I would love some participants! thanks!

Monday, August 15, 2011


I am so sorry Bree and I have both failed this week at blogging.
We have both been super busy. We apologize.
And to make it up we are starting something new here at Writing For All!
Every week we are going to try to contact our favorite authors and ask him/her our questions and such. Hopefully they answer and every Monday we will post their answers (Bree and I will switch back and forth) as well as a new contest.

We are having the same contest as last week, so please check out last Monday's post for more info. Thanks so much! Sorry for our mysterious disappearance and everything!

<3, Shelby

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Divergent-Book Review

(also posted on Simply tied for the best novel I have ever read (the other novel that holds a dear place in my heart would be Delirium-Lauren Olvier), Divergent is a little (big) something to make you cry, laugh, and at times, feel like you're going to faint. This novel by Veronica Roth is extremely daring and amazingly well written. I couldn't put it down the whole time I was reading it.
Although unhappy with the way it ended, there is a second and third book. neither have been released and I fail at patience, so I am practically jumping out of my socks waiting for the second book to come out. I have to read it, like hm... now!!!!
I have an email into Veronica Roth. I really hope she takes the time to answer and I will post it here if she does. (like my 100th post, remember?)
I'm in a major writing mood today. Ok, that was random. Back to the review:
Divergent's run on the NYT's bestelling list was for 11 weeks. Congratulations for Veronica Roth ( And guess what? The second book title is called Insurgent. oh and im reading her latest post rigth now and guess what? shes done with her first copy of it, AHHHH!!!
OK, seriously, why are you still reading this? Go out and read Divergent. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, that's about it. Read it, It's amazing. I'm dead serious. GO
XOXO Shelby

Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday's Tips-From an Author!

Hey everyone! I am so excited for this post. So the other day I was brainstorming,thinking of things I could do that would make things a little more interesting.What better way to make things interesting than get tips from a published author!-I thought.I also got the idea from Shelby's 100th post.So I was going around,thinking of books I had just recently read,books I thought were amazing.I came across two of my absolute favorite!!!! I found their contact info,and I was so excited to open up my email  Saturday morning and find one of them had replied! Her name is M.E.Breen and she wrote "Darkwood".Here are her tips-

How did you get started writing?

The first piece of creative writing I remember doing was in third grade, when I wrote a poem about a spider getting eaten by a bird. It was pretty dark and dreary as poems go. After that there was a long break until after I graduated from college, when I started working on Darkwood. I've always lived in cities, and I was staying in the country one night and I was walking along a road back to my cabin. There was no moon and I could not believe how dark it was. It seemed like anything was possible in that darkness -- scary things, but magical things, too. I started thinking about what people would be like if they lived with that darkness all the time. Would they be cowardly or brave? Imaginative or close-minded? I'd been looking at pictures of wolves earlier, and I missed my old dog Annie and my two cats, and, well, you can see how the story grew from there. I never knew where it was going from one day to the next. I just followed wherever it led.
Any books you would recommend?

This is great question, because I'm about to teach a class on writing novels for teenagers and kids. We're reading five books for the course, all of which I would recommend for different reasons:
The Hunger Games, for incredible suspense and a marvelously detailed picture of a truly terrifying governmentMarcelo and the Real World, for its minute exploration of a unique heart and mind and for having a pretty curious mystery
What I Saw and How I Lied, for looking at the world of adult problems through the eyes of someone just starting to feel adult, and also for being full of interesting history and being beautifully writtenFrom the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankenweiler, for being perfectly written and funny and really really understanding kids
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, for being completely, totally awesome and making me cry every time.
Any tips you would like to give to young writers?

Yes! One is boring because everybody says it, but it bears repeating: Revise, revise, revise! I wrote the first draft of Darkwood in one year and then spent SEVEN more years revising and making it better. You don't have to take that long, but you should always plan on doing a lot of rethinking and rewriting.

The other piece of advice is more fun. Start a writing group. Writing is a lonely task, and it helps immensely to have people you trust and like reading your work and giving you feedback. Critiquing their work will also teach you a lot about your own writing. It looks like you've made an excellent start on this with your friend Shelby and your online followers.

So,what do you think? If this goes over well(with comments!) we may start doing this every Monday(if we can find an author) along with the contest.I'm going to start that back up today!

  In under 900 words,write a short story,poem,etc. about any topic whatsoever. 

 Okay,I think that's it! Well,have a nice day! Also,I'm back! Yay! 


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Writing Day-Shelby

Hey ya'll! I wrote a poem the other day about popularity and how they think they can rule everything! please tell me what you think it's unedited.

And everytime she turned around
she saw someone falling down.
Her eyes deep into their soul,
making them look like a fool.
They dropped down to her glory
making sure that they looked sorry.
Even though they did nothing wrong,
she glares at them as if they did.
Her piercing eyes that guys fall for
when really she is just a bore.
So when she says get outta my way.
I will not obey becuase I know she
doesn't rule the world.
And she doesn't rule me.

So what do you think?
Talk to ya Tuesday!
XOXO Shelby

Friday, August 5, 2011

Books for Friday

Hey everyone! So,today,since I really don't have time to post(like I said Monday,this is scheduled) I am just gonna post some of my favorite books! Here are a few-

Wondrous Strange-Lesley Livingston
Twilight-Stephenie Meyers
Cindy Ella-Robin Palmer
The Uglies Series-Scott Westerfield
Darkwood-M.E. Breen

I went ahead and edited this,because I have a question.I am going to the library today(Friday) and I was wondering if there were any books you guys think I need to keep an eye out for? Thanks!

These are just a few,but I don't want to tell all in just one post! Gotta leave some for next week...and the next week..and the next-ok,I think you get it.:)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

You Again a Movie Review

hey everyone! First a couple of announcements, once we get 10 followers we are going to start the contests up again because we want people to enter and we want guest bloggers. Also, I guest posted on the other day and just posted a VLOG book review on Exclusively Chloe on! my 100th post is coming up this week so check back! yayy!

Ok, heres a review on You Again!
It has many famous actresses such as Kristin Bell, Jamie Lee Curtis, and even Betty White. It is rated PG and it is extremely funny with great acting and well though out plot. I really recommend this movie to 11 and up. That is a random age but I think its good!

If you have seen it or are going to see it in the future, please leave a comment! thanks!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Writing-Done By Bree

Hey everyone! It's Bree,and I'm just going to post some writing from my novel for NanoWrimo. Here is a little peek-

 I looked over the boat,smiling as I watched the sun set.The sky had tones of pink,orange,and turquoise as it set.I looked down,and watched the water.It was a very pretty blue,mixed with some greens. You could see the reefs through the crystal clear water,changing the color from blue and green to the pinks and oranges of reefs.It was beautiful.
 We were on vacation in Eilat,Israel to see the 6000 year old reefs.They were located in the Red Sea.
 I heard yells and the boat came to a stop.I turned around,trying to see what had happened.I couldn't understand a thing here.I was glad this was out last day. I took a couple of steps,trying not to fall in my 4 inch platforms.I saw land and the dock.
 "Come on,Katalina.We are leaving!" I heard my mom call.I hated it when she called me by my full first name.It's not fair.Why did she have to give me such a weird name?
 "Mom,you know my name's Kat!" I called,making my way across the slippery deck.I lifted my white maxi,trying to keep it dry.The bangles on my wrist clanked,reminding me to check my watch.I looked at it and almost gasped.It was ten 'till 12 p.m. I had to get to the airport by 12:30.
 "Mom,we have to leave now!"
 " Hon,It's only 11:00.We still have an hour to leave."
 "No,Mom,it's almost 12:00.We have to leave now if we're going to meet Dad at the airport and sit together."
 "Hon,our seats are together! We won't be separated! Not this time."She muttered the last sentence,not intending me to hear.I did,though.
 "Well,let's go!"I said,stomping across the dock.I walked up the boardwalk,turned right into the cul-de-sac of small houses,and made my way down the sidewalk.
 "Hey,Katalina,the cars back there."I turned around and walked the other way.I was so turned around here.Why did my dad have to be a surgeon. Why why why! If he wasn't we wouldn't be here and we wouldn't have all this money to spend on trips around the world! It was my moms idea to see the reefs,I wanted to stay home. 
 "Kat,what is wrong?"
 "Mom,we could have spent a vacation in New York like we planned so I could be with my friends and you this summer.But no,we end up in some Israel city half way around the world to see the oldest barrier reef."I said this last part in a disgusted voice.She had to know how mad I was.
 " I know.This was your father's idea,you know.He wanted you to see the world when you were little.When you still loved sail-....."
 " Don't even mention that."I said,cutting her off.
 "What I'm trying to say is we dedicated half the summer here and half the summer there.That way we're all happy."
 " OK,whatev-oops.I meant sure?"I said,saying the last part like a question.My mom had this strict "no-one-says-whatever-in-this-house-or-they-won't-eat-in-a-month" policy.
 "Yeah,you better have meant sure." My mom said,giving me a stern look.Then she laughed."Your sister was always doing that.It was to bad...."She trailed off."Well,never mind.We better get going if we're going to meet your father.We have to be there in 30 minutes.Good thing we packed this morning before we left." I smiled and followed my mom to the car.I got in the passenger seat and sank down.I hated the questioning looks we got from the small kids who had never see a vehicle before.Which was most of them,since the only thing driven here was carts.But my father had insisted on a car,and guess what we ended up with?A car.

So what do you think? Is it good,ok,or You could do better.Comments are appreciated!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Book Review: Exclusively Chloe!

Hey everyone! First of all, a few announcements about my blog, Come All Come Write!
My 100th post is coming up extremely soon (like, this week.. omg!) and if you have any questions regarding writing or myself, they will be answered in the 100th post. Just email me your question!
Also, at The Fashionista Girls we got our third contributor so for now, we aren't looking for any other fashionistas. It will be announced on the blog if we would like more people!

Ok, and now a book review for the novel Exclusively Chloe.
It is really good so far. It has a really good plot too! (A girl is adopted into a celebrity family and while her adopted parents are going through a divorce she transfers schools and goes undercover to find her real brother at a low expense school.)
It is really great and I would recommend it to any teens looking for a good read!
I think it would be great made into a movie.
So if you have read it or are going to read it, tell me what you think!

Also, I am now blogging on The Escapism Project. Check it out!
<3, Shelby

Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday's Contest-Canceled.

Hey everyone! Since no one did it this week,I think we are going to have to cancel it-at least until we get more followers.Who knows,we may start it up again.So on Monday's I guess I'll just post announcements-writing wise.

So we have been keeping the Authors Novels kept up pretty good.Go check that out!

I will be gone this week,this post is scheduled (btw this is one's I post this week are also scheduled.

I have some pretty awesome guest posters on my blog(not writing,just something to check out)( Go check that out and see what you think.

So I guess that's it! Thanks for reading!